full dental block anaesthetic provided
full dental block anaesthetic provided
full dental block anaesthetic provided

No of treatments
1 treatment every 9 - 12 months
From £540 in Southern Clinics. From £490 for the rest of UK
Treatment Time
up to 30 Minutes
Recovery Time
Local Anaesthetic
if needed
From $1150 in the USA. From AED 3650
in Dubai
Want to see more information about pricing? Then please sign up to become a member and prices are located in the info pack found in the Booking Terms & Conditions.
Tear trough rejuvenation is a non-surgical aesthetic treatment for patients with lower eyelid dark circles or dark hollows (also referred to as 'tear troughs' or 'tear trough defects').
In the lower eyelid a weakening of the orbital septum, and in the cheek area (the 'mid-face') a loss of soft tissue volume, tend to accentuate the appearance of the lower bony orbital margin which lies between the lower eyelid and the cheek. This also leads to the appearance of lower eyelid fat pockets ('eye bags') and together these can lead to a dark shadow or hollow beneath the eyes (a 'tear trough defect'). This can cause a tired appearance.

Not all patients who complain of lower eyelid dark circles or lower eyelid dark hollows are suitable for surgical improvement, usually in the form of cosmetic eyelid surgery (a lower eyelid blepharoplasty, eyelid lift or eye bag removal). The use of Belotero Balance and Aliaxin SR injections offers some patients a less invasive alternative treatment than cosmetic eyelid surgery for their problem as shown in the photographs. Some patients also benefit from mid face filler injections (we use Ellanse Perfectha Subskin, or Belotero Balance/Aliaxin SR branded filler for these areas) which help to restore a youthful shape to the face by filling the inner and outer part of the upper cheeks – acting as a scaffolding to help build up the area. Your doctor will advise you, on what is best for you and your individual physiology and facial structure.
Although the use of Belotero Balance/Aliaxin SR Injections as a soft tissue filler in other areas of the face is very well established and associated with high patient satisfaction, its use for the management of 'tear troughs” (or hollow eyelids or lower eyelid dark circles) and, with Ellanse or Perfectha Subskin the management of a loss of soft tissue volume in the mid-face, has proved to be a very good application for many patients. Patients have been undergoing such treatment at The Consultant Clinic for several years. The effects of the injections last approximately 12 months before repeat injections are required. For many patients, the effects can last longer. Following further injections after approximately 12 months, the effects have been seen to last a lot longer for the majority of patients – due to tissue expansion.