full dental block anaesthetic provided
full dental block anaesthetic provided
full dental block anaesthetic provided

No of treatments
Dependent on your Requirements!
Dependent on number of Treatments
18+ Only
Dependent on number of Treatments
Administered via cannula and needle
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Any non-surgical aesthetics procedure changes your facial balance, proportions, and facial characteristics. Profile balancing is fast becoming a popular treatment and is defined as several different procedures being used in combination, in a bespoke way to balance the features of an individual (and especially in profile). Commonly patients seeking rhinoplasty or a lip augmentation may not be aware that on side profile they have a small chin. A small chin may become more prominent once the nose is complementary to the person’s face. Similarly, new lips can emphasise a smaller chin and throw out the balance of the lower face.
Profile Balancing is where a back-set chin is reharmonised in the correct ratio to the nose and lips, therefore, balancing out a side profile. Dermal filler can also be added to the chin to create a more defined and contoured look. Many of our clients opt for the jawline augmentation treatment alongside this one. These two treatments tend to complement each other, giving a more structured and refined look.

Cheekbone contouring, otherwise known as cheek filler, is a non-surgical treatment which helps define the cheek and cheekbone area. Dermal filler is added along the cheekbones to create a more defined and contoured look. This method is less invasive and less expensive than a surgical cheek augmentation.
(Many of our patients also tend to have the jawline contouring treatment alongside this one. These two treatments tend to complement each other, giving a more polished and fully finished contoured look).
Jawline enhancement isn’t just popular with females, it's very popular with the male population. This treatment gives men a more chiselled and sharp jawline. The fully reversible dermal filler is added along the jawline to create a more defined and contoured look. This treatment is ideal for those that have a weak manipular angle, wear their hair up a lot, or have sub-mental fat or small jowls. Chin augmentations tend to complement jawline fillers perfectly, and please email us for an information pack upon the same.
Lip fillers or lip augmentation is considered for those who feel that their lips don't project forward enough - or for those with an obvious over or underbite.