full dental block anaesthetic provided
full dental block anaesthetic provided
full dental block anaesthetic provided

How do I make a complaint against the Consultant Clinic?
The Consultant Clinic complaints procedure is designed to address any specific concerns our customers have that relate to the quality of customer service, or treatment from our doctors.
For example this might include:
- maladministration
- delays in receiving information/responses within accepted timeframes (excluding Freedom of Information and Data Protection requests)
- difficulty in contacting the correct office, branch or person.
- incorrect information or guidance issued by the Clinic.
- attitude and conduct of Consultant Clinic staff
- any treatment you may feel hasn't been carried out to the standard of care expected
The procedures set out below explains how you can make a complaint about the quality of our services.
If you are unhappy with any clinical treatment you have received in any one of our clinics, in all countries - we invite you back for a review with one of our doctors (as per the below) which we can organise with you via email to info@consultantclinic.com
Informal Procedure
Our aim is to resolve any complaint quickly and you are invited initially to bring any matter of concern to the doctor or administration staff with whom you have been dealing. However, if you still feel dissatisfied after this approach, you may initiate a formal complaint in writing.
Formal Procedures – Step 1
All formal complaints should be in writing. Please provide as much information as possible along with contact details, such as your name, telephone number and postal address. We will handle any personal data you provide in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
You can write to us at the following address:
Consultant Clinic Complaints Officer
The Consultant Clinic
88 Rodney Street
L1 9AR
Or email us at info@consultantclinic.com
In all cases the clinic will:
1. Acknowledge receipt of your complaint. We will normally issue a letter or email of acknowledgement within two working days of receiving your complaint
2. Treat your complaint in a confidential manner
3. Refer your complaint to the relevant Director
4. Carry out a thorough investigation
5. Aim to provide a written reply to your complaint with a full explanation of the outcome of our investigations within 20 working days and, where this is not possible, let you know when a reply can be expected.
6. Apologise if we have made a mistake or if a problem has been caused by us.
7. Let you know what we have done to put things right.
Formal Procedures – Step 2
If you are still not satisfied with our response, you can write to the Complaints Officer giving your reasons. The Complaints Officer will ask another management level liaison manager (or our Medical Director, Dr Kevin where relevant) to undertake a review. The official will aim to reply within 20 working days. If this deadline cannot be met, we will advise you when you can expect a full response. At this stage you will be advised that you have used all the steps in the Consultant Clinic's complaints procedures.